Friday, 15 July 2011

Friday My Town Shoot Out

Well, you can choose from three B's in this photo, which is my hometown Eastbourne, a coastal town in the southeast of England. 

1st B - on the far left is a circular ring of lights, this is  Eastbourne Bandstand all lit up and with the

2nd B - Battle (a local town) Band playing the 1812 Overture, which always ends with fireworks as the grand finale. 

3rd B - has to be the beach. 

I feel I may have cheated slightly and used just one photo to cover a few B's, there may be more! 

This is my first attempt at this blogging lark and once I've got the hang of it a bit, hopefully, more will follow.

This is a Friday My Town  Shoot Out post.


  1. Nice picture, I like it!

  2. I think you did a nice job, capturing three in one :)

  3. I like the photo and the reflection I like it too.


  4. Welcome to FMTSO MissKay!! I clicked on the photo to enlarge to get a better look. it is a gorgeous shot!! love your B's.

  5. One Picture is all you need some times and this one did the job.

  6. Lovely Picture! Welcome to FMTSO! I hope you enjoy blogging! :)

  7. Welcome MizzKay. Your photo is gorgeous and I think you managed to showcase the letter B perfectly.

  8. Welcome to FSO. That photo is really beautiful when it is enlarged. Well done capturing a three in one shot.
